Soldier silhouette 7.5.24 Lest we forget

Today we used a Google Drawing and did a piece of art  using polyline, shapes and different  colors .

We used shapes for the  grave stones and the moon. we used pollyline  for the hill.


I liked the part when we were allowed to custemise the colors for the sunset   and when we used the shapes  for grave stones and when we got the silhouette .


#Smart footprint

The samurai

24.Narritive (1)

The Samurai


One night over dinner, I asked if I could go to a fight. I said that I already knew the way to get there, and she said NO!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I was so frustrated that I ran away to my room and slammed the door behind me. So I started packing a bag and jumped out the window and started running, then I came across a dark, long,tall cave,because I’m a risker so I went in the cave.

The cave was mysterious and dark. I thought there were bats in the cave so I stayed quiet. It finally came to an end,I saw a BIG GATE  Then I noticed that the gate was   closed I thought I was early, until I heard Yelling and cheering  I was antagonized  that I was late 


My DLO about My costume

Today we dressed up as  our favorite  book character, I went as Hermione Jean Granger  from Harry Potter.

 me and my friend Royell did hermione to then I put a photo of my outtfit I used props like a  wand then we write about what we know about  our character  for example I wrote about it on my DLO.

We had 1 week to get ready for this, Some people had to print their book covers.



Today we were learning about Aki  FUKUOKA  ,  where she is from, What she does as a living and how she lives she has four children and is from Japan.

Aki is from rural Nagano Japan. She moved to Whangarei, New Zealand  when she was eight years old.  She attended    Whangarei Girls High School . Aki graduated from the Elam School of fine arts  in Auckland .She  has illustrated 80 books, Including award winning children’s picture books. Chapter books and educational titles.  She has amazing,impressive art ,She has designed T-shirts,Books, Stationary, Posters and murals.

The first book she ever made was Billie B Brown. She is Very Very Very GOOD at art, These are some of her art. Aki is a mother of four children .Raised from a young age in Whangarei. She now lives in Auckland.They/ her sister and  3 brothers  also played with musical instruments and drew with pencil, paper, chalk and wooden blocks for hours letting their imaginations run wild!  Aki was always experimenting with art and making things alongside her sister and 3 brothers. She had fun drawing Billie B Brown. When she drew with her best friend Jack for the Go Girls Book, their adventures remind her of her childhood. After completing her education at Whangarei Girls High School ,Aki went on to receive her Bachelor of Fine Arts at Elam School of Fine Arts at the University of Auckland. It wasn’t until her last year of university that she decided to make a career from her hobby of drawing.  She was considering becoming a physicist! She’s so glad to be able to spend her days doing what she loves – creating and drawing.

Precipitating cloud

Today we did an experiment we did  a  precipitating cloud and to do that we needed a pipette, food coloring,shaving cream, a cup, and water 



We made a precipitating cloud because it represents the water cycle and it’s supposed to mean that the water molecules when heated do not like to be together so they rise to the top but since it’s so cold they mush up and since it was to heavy  to hold it so it drops and it rains 


E rua’s precipitating cloud

  1. Spray shaving cream into the cup with water in it
  2. Get a  pipette 
  3. Use the  the food colouring and put a few drops until it looks like it‘s raining

Trees,seas,And soil


This story is about how you can use carbon. 


The amount of carbon we have on Earth doesn’t change. It is the same as it is now as it was millions of years ago when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Most carbon is stored in reservoirs, or sinks, such as rocks and sediments, while the rest is stored in the atmosphere, oceans, and living organisms.

This summary is about what we read in the book

This is a D.L.O is about  a summary on what carbon sinks and carbon dioxide

A carbon sink is anything that absorbs more carbon from the atmosphere than it releases\

Evaporation is apart of the cycle Evaporation and Evaporation is the process of the water cycle is from when the sun heats the  water then it turns into steam/clouds


Yesterday we made  ANZAC COOKIES

Yesterday we baked and learned how to read recepe like using math. I like eating the ANZAC Biscuits because i could smell it from from the outside of the hall.When i tasted the ANZAC Biscuit it felt like heaven once i took one bite.Then i got another ANZAC Biscuit and took a bite it tasted more sweeter


ANZAC infomation




I liked making this DLO because it helps people learn about  ANZAC so that they know why the soldiers  went to war and the  retired  soldiers took their uniform out of the closet  every  april 25   the tradition of anzac day started in 1916  and continued it on every other year   and now the wives of the soldiers   bake cookies for them



What we learned

What we learned


  • Today I learned about how we can  be smart,safe,and have a good reputation  online. 
  • How we have a history on the chromebook so if we get a job  on your reseme there will be your history.
  • We learned about  how to make   a positive  decision on and around the chromebooks.